Group Photograph
Group Photographs of the Sangha and all the Cultural Performers.
Monks Singing In Tibetan
The Monks sang a couple of wonderful and very powerful Tibetan songs to finalise the Cultural Performances.
Chinese Dancers
The Chinese Dancers performing a Thousand Arm Chenrezig (Quan Yin) dance.
Cantonese Opera
An amazing performance by the Cantonese Opera.
Parkour Performance
Somersaults, backflips, handstands, flips and high drama in this exuberant gymnastics performance.
Bangladesh Singers
The Bangladesh Singers had the audience clapping hands to their songs.
Nepalese Dancers
The Nepalese Dancers put on a great performance with a single dancer and then a team dance.
Tibetan Performers
The Tibetan musicians played up a storm whilst the dancers put on a fantastic singing and dancing performance.